
逍遥右脑  2018-09-20 12:28










address 基本解释


名词地址; 称呼; 演说; 通信处

动词称呼; 演说; 写姓名地址; 向…说话

address 相关词组

1. form of address : 称呼;

address 相关例句



1. He addressed her with high compliment.

2. He addressed himself to the problem.

3. He is addressing the chairman.


1. Write the address clearly.

address 情景对话


A:I’d like to have this cashed, please.

B:Please put you name and address here. May I see your passport?


B:How would you like it?

A:Ten hundreds and ten twenties, and the rest in small changes, please.
十张100 元的和十张10 元,剩余的零钱。

B:O.K. Here you are.

address 网络解释

1. 住址:NO.) 住址(ADDRESS) 授权人(PRINCIPAL) 中文 国内 国外 英文 中文名称 被授权人(AGENT) 县 乡镇 村邻 市 (区)里路段巷弄号楼街 授权人与被授权人之关系备注 房地标示及权利范围 办理不动产变更登记之辖区地政事务所: 授权事项

2. 瞄球:15、应抛球(DROP)的地方,未抛球而放置地上,罚二杆. 40、瞄球(ADDRESS)后动球,罚一杆,在原有处再打. 14、未除去球印(MARK)推杆,罚两杆.

address 双语例句

1. China's Shenzhen City, Guangdong Phuket. Sakata.

2. If you change your name, address or telephone number, your medical record will need to be updated.

3. Some agencies will not charge for rental space, but will charge for the use of a domain name, or website address.


4. NTOURS GLOBAL】can offer a mass of information of drive tour and travels, according to the real information from the scenic spots, we collect the drive routes, open time and tickets price of national parks, introduction of city scenic spots, Address and price of good restaurants, shopping malls and coupons, traffic rules of different states etc which could offer to our members.
驾游天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】提供丰富的驾车和自由旅行旅游资讯,以实地资讯为依据,对所搜集的详实信息进行重组、整合处理。内容涵盖自驾线路参考;国家公园开放时间和门票价格;城市景区的热点介绍;四色美食的餐厅地址和价格;购物天堂的各类特色商店;直销名店的地址和折扣优惠券;驾游目的国的交通规则和风土人情等各种驾游资讯的综合在线平台。

5. The second argument is the address of the PDO.

6. It would be a great deal easier just to remember the PDO address when you first create the device object.

7. Provide a unique forum to address and resolve issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain.


8. According to the analysis, a new algorithm is presented which is based on the idea of moving the data stream with address computation.

9. A need to access the instruction address stream.

10. A match in the slave address serial data stream must be made with the Address input in order to initiate communication with the SN74LVCU04APW.

11. Into the algorithm, first-out (2) at least recently used algorithm (3) the best out of algorithm In this experiment, the page address stream length of 320, the page number for each failure to visit the corresponding instructions, the instructions corresponding to the number of pages is not memory.

12. As the information pertinent to the third AV stream, the address information of a source packet of the first AV stream at a timing of switching from the first AV stream to the third AV stream and the address information of a source packet of the second AV stream at a timing of switching from the third AV stream to the second AV stream, are generated.

13. You can see that I have shown the physical and logical address of each device.

14. If there is anything you are not clear about the device, address your inquiry to our head office.


15. If you do not know the 2-wire address of the device, then check in the devices` datasheet.

16. Each of the four ports on the device has a different IP address and MAC address.

17. The process of discovering a device's address.

18. This brings up a number of options for connecting to your device via Bonjour or IP address.

19. I have a device which uses an ip address of something like xxx.

20. If we do not also time to take the time to address these facts, it is ill-advised.

address 词典解释


1. 住址;地址
Your address is the number of the house, flat, or apartment and the name of the street and the town where you live or work.

e.g. The address is 2025 M Street, Northwest, Washington, DC, 20036...
e.g. We require details of your name and address.

2. 寄往;寄给
If a letter, envelope, or parcel is addressed to you, your name and address have been written on it.

e.g. Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor.

3. 网址
The address of a website is its location on the Internet, for example

e.g. Internet addresses are also known as URLs.

4. (电子表格中某个单元格的)位置
The address of a cell on a computer spreadsheet refers to the particular row and column number where it is located, for example 'C2' or 'N63'.

5. address的解释

5. 向…作正式讲话;对…发表演说
If you address a group of people, you give a speech to them.

e.g. He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.

6. 向…说话
If you address someone or address a remark to them, you say something to them.

e.g. The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met...
e.g. He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria.

7. address什么意思

7. 称呼(某人);给…冠以(某种称呼)
If you address someone by a name or a title such as 'sir', you call them that name or title when you talk or write to them.

e.g. I heard him address her as darling...
e.g. The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace.

8. 对付;处理;设法了解并解决
If you address a problem or task or if you address yourself to it, you try to understand it or deal with it.

e.g. Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting...
e.g. Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.

Be careful with the spelling of this word.
address 单语例句

1. It was to be followed by an address by Obama and Clinton to State Department employees.

2. address

2. Manufacturers or assemblers can address this issue by including appropriate protections in their sales contract.

3. The International Energy Agency was right to urge immediate and bold action to address the world's energy challenges as oil approaches $ 100 a barrel.

4. The nuclear crisis has complicated the Japanese government's ability to address the humanitarian situation facing hundreds of thousands left homeless by the twin disasters.

5. After that the coalition will then choose Cabinet members and address new government policy to the House.

6. Delegates will discuss the current challenges women face in the rapidly changing environment, share case studies and develop actionable items to address regional issues.

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a fiscal emergency to address California's deficit and has ordered state offices closed three days a month to save cash.

8. He intends to travel to New Jersey next week to deliver what aides call a major address on terrorism.

9. The pair started quarreling during the call and agreed to " address their problem " at an Internet caf.

10. Liberals want him to issue a call to action in his Wednesday address, clear and bold.

address 英英释义


1. social skill

Synonym: savoir-faire

2. the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball

3. (computer science) the code that identifies where a piece of information is stored

Synonym: computer address reference

4. written directions for finding some location
written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that location

Synonym: destination name and address

5. a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described

6. address

6. the manner of speaking to another individual

e.g. he failed in his manner of address to the captain

7. the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience

e.g. he listened to an address on minor Roman poets

Synonym: speech

8. address的意思

8. the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with


1. address

1. adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation of hitting


2. speak to

e.g. He addressed the crowd outside the window

Synonym: turn to

3. give a speech to

e.g. The chairman addressed the board of trustees

Synonym: speak

4. speak to someone

Synonym: accost come up to

5. put an address on (an envelope)

Synonym: direct

6. act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression

e.g. This book deals with incest
The course covered all of Western Civilization
The new book treats the history of China

Synonym: cover treat handle plow deal

7. direct a question at someone


8. address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question

9. access or locate by address


10. greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name

e.g. He always addresses me with `Sir'
Call me Mister
She calls him by first name

Synonym: call

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上一篇:endangered species是什么意思_endangered species在线翻译_双语

