endangered species是什么意思_endangered species在线翻译_双语

逍遥右脑  2018-09-20 12:28

endangered species  
endangered species 基本解释


endangered species 网络解释

1. 濒危物种:布鲁巴克(Brubaker)的剧本在每个人物的细微处理上基本上不太可能了,但他的工作范围显然不在这点,再加上<<濒危物种>>(Endangered Species)和过去的核心书籍中,那些引人入胜的故事情节.

2. 濒危种:云南红豆杉被国际松杉类专家组(CSG)确定为3级渐危种[35],中国林业部1992年将其列为一级珍贵保护树种;西藏红豆杉被中国植物红皮书定为濒危种(Endangered species南方红豆杉早在80年代就被定为二级保护植物,由于90年代初的破坏,

endangered species 双语例句

1. So I will say that he is part of the endangered species of leadership that belongs to the museum.

2. This kind of animal is an endangered species.

3. This using and abusing of an endangered species is unacceptable.

4. Irido-, herpes- and polyomavirus infections may be involved in the reduction in the numbers of endangered amphibian and reptile species.

5. Irido-, herpes- and polyomairus infections may be inoled in the reduction in the numbers of endangered amphibian and reptile species.

6. Establishment of national nature reserves and further strengthening of protection and administration are of great significance in the protection of resources of the endangered species in China, keeping the balance of the ecosystems and improving the ecological environment.

7. China's May 12 temblor centered in Sichuan devastated a vast area of wild habitat for endangered species, including the giant panda, Cao Qingyao, a spokesperson for the State Forestry Administration, told reporters.

8. This video introduces the inhabited regions, characteristics, and habitual behaviors of this endangered bird, and also introduces the other three types of bird species ? resident birds, migrating birds and migratory birds.

9. There are 13 genera 21 species of terricolous arethusa, 10 genera 20 species of adnascent arethusa and 17 genera 29 species of rare and endangered in the area.

10. It is home to abundant wildlife, including sharks, tuna, marlin, dolphins, rays, seabirds, reef fish, corals and 25 species of whales, and is crucial habitat for endangered Green and Hawksbill sea turtles.

11. Today, six of the seven species of marine turtle - hawksbill, olive ridley, Kemp's ridley, leatherback, loggerhead and green - are classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

12. Many of the remaining species are endangered, including 71 of the 96 known endemic vertebrates.

13. Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species.

endangered species

14. The protection of an endangered species could be a reason to send the timber company away.
当然,木商设法阻止 D 博士的行动。

15. He knew that in the forest there was a female West Pacific bear which was an endangered species.
D 博士知道森林有唯一一只雌性西太平洋熊,因单一只熊不能作为保护频临绝种动物而阻止木商伐木的理由,於是从马戏班内找来雄性的西太平洋熊阿智,希望他们可生育下一代,那便可以保著森林。

16. The main fishery resources in the Bay of serious recession, and large yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, lobsters and other endangered species, grouper, abalone and other less and less valuable types of quantity.

17. Much of the wildfire is currently within the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, home to several endangered species, including about 130 red wolves and the red-cockaded woodpecker.

18. Green sea turtles are one of the most endangered animal species on the planet.

endangered species在线翻译

19. According to conservationists meeting in Doha, Qatar, for the 175-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the Internet has emerged as one of the biggest threats to endangered species.

20. Many animals and plants are endangered e. g. red squirrels, otters, barn owls, golden eagles, natterjack toads, many species of butterflies and dragonflies, orchids - to name just a few.

endangered species 单语例句

1. endangered species是什么意思

1. Poaching the wild animals breaks the forest food chain, threatening the endangered tiger species that once roamed western and central Asia and eastern Russia.

2. Trade in the coelacanth is banned under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

3. endangered species的反义词

3. Not long ago the ukulele was an endangered species, seen as cheap exotica or a comic prop.

4. They consistently rank as one of the biggest draws to any zoo and tend to attract more donations than other endangered species.

5. They contend the government was on track to meet that goal when it caved in to political pressure and stripped the species of endangered status.

6. The Corroboree Frog is one of Australia's most endangered species, with fewer than 200 of the frogs existing in the wild.

7. endangered species

7. A total of 250 wildlife propagation centers have been built across the country, and seven major species including the endangered giant pandas and crested ibis.

8. Although the Chinese law on the protection of endangered species has been implemented since 1988, the law for animal protection is still in deliberation.

9. He was particularly dismayed that the legislation exempts the Defense Department from provisions of the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act.


10. Devil facial tumor disease has seen the animals plunge from a pest species to endangered in a very short period.

endangered species 英英释义

endangered species什么意思


1. endangered species的翻译

1. a species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction

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