
逍遥右脑  2018-12-10 12:07

exaction 基本解释


名词苛求; 勒索; 强行索要; 强索的钱款

exaction 网络解释

1. 勒索:exacting 苛求的 | exaction 勒索 | exactitude 正确

2. 苛税:exactingterms苛刻的条件 | exaction苛税 | exactitude正确 精确

3. 强求,勒索:exacting 严格的 | exaction 强求,勒索 | exaggerate 夸大,夸张

4. 勒索/苛求:exacting /苛/苛求的/严格的/需付出极大努力的/ | exaction /勒索/苛求/ | exactitude /正确/精密/精确/规规矩矩/严格/

exaction 双语例句


1. And that we would leave the seventh year, and the exaction of every hand.

2. The experimental results demonstrate the exaction of this technique.

3. This also validated exaction of reactive oxygen system theory.

4. Concept lattice is recently fast developed as a tool for data analysis and rule exaction.

5. During the period of building the data warehouse, we mainly researches the method of the exaction, transform and load of the data in different kind of data resources.

6. The king`s exaction of money left people really poor.

7. The research in this dissertation is based on reconstructed CT images. Basic knowledge of forensic anthropology and some feature exaction methods have been studied. The main work includes: 1. The contour of skull, orbit and its contour, the curve of submaxilla have been selected as the important characteristics of the skull.

8. So I thought it necessary to urge the brothers to go on ahead to you and arrange in advance for the gift you have promised, so that it may be ready as a willing gift, not as an exaction.


9. Emphasis shall be put on the key technology such as the membrane separation, supercritical exaction, clasmatosis, micro capsule embedding, microwave, asepsis processing and packaging of the modern food industry, the new production technology of high-tech and high-value-added new type chemicals for daily use, household electrical appliance, lighting electrical equipment, battery, ceramics, plastic, machines for daily use, and the clean production technology and pollution treatment technology for the industries of paper making, leather, ferment and food.

10. Ethaol exaction from ropolis; mitochondrion; the oxygen free radical; lipid peroxidize; SDH

11. The pyrene biodegradation with the initial pH value equaling to 6.00 by a Bacillus sp. CN2 or a Flavobacterium sp. CN4 was investigated by carefully designed solvent exaction experiments, by Thin layer chromatography and UV-spectrophotometry analysis.

12. Objective To study the protection function of Ethaol exaction from ropolis to damage of the rat liver from oxygen free radicals.


13. A novel image texture exaction algorithm using Independent Component Analysis filters for image classification is proposed.

14. Discuss medical value of flavonoids from six aspects: anti-depression effect, anti-oxydation effect, eliminate activity effect of free radica, protection for chemical Injury of liver, anti-tumor effect, anti-osteoporosis effect, anti-myocardial-ischemia effect. Discuss methods of exaction of flavonoids from six aspect: solvent extraction methods, supersound extraction method, enzymic method, microray method, macroporous resin method, supereritical fluid extraction method. Discuss separation from different kinds of plants from three aspects: gel silica column chromatography, HPLC, plate chromatography method.

15. Anticorrosion Research on the Condensation System on the top of Evaporation and Exaction Column for Terra Alba Absorption Equipment

16. The aged leader was exhausted by the exaction of a pitiless system.

17. A suggestion on the selection of exaction condensing turbine matching with large and middle cogeneration unit and back-pressure turbine

18. General Calculation Model for the Influence of Exhaust Pressure on Dynamoelectric Coal Consumption Rate of Condensing Unit A suggestion on the selection of exaction condensing turbine matching with large and middle cogeneration unit and back-pressure turbine

19. Fiber image segmentation is an indispensable step in the automatic fiber recognition system, and it is the base of the processes of feature exaction, classification recognition. So to segment a complete, continuous and single pixel fiber is the critical task.

20. But his exaction of land rent from the peasants is his principal form of exploitation.

exaction 英英释义



1. act of demanding or levying by force or authority

e.g. exaction of tribute
exaction of various dues and fees

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