
逍遥右脑  2018-11-29 14:17




vain 基本解释


形容词徒劳的; 自负的; 无结果的; 无用的

vain 同义词

形容词lofty self-centered egotistical conceited ineffectual futile proud boastful egocentric haughty unsuccessful fruitless

vain 反义词

形容词effectual effective

vain 相关词组


1. in vain : 徒然;

vain 相关例句


1. She's very vain about her good looks.

2. They made vain attempts to reach the mountaintop.

3. He is vain of his speech.

4. She is vain and extravagant.

1. The police tried in vain to break up the protest crowds.

vain 网络解释

1. 无用的,虚荣的:familial 家庭的 | vain 无用的,虚荣的 | vein 面纱; 掩饰

2. 徒劳的:vague 含糊的 | vain 徒劳的 | valid 有根据的

3. 徒然的:vail n小费 | vain 徒然的 | vainglorious 虚荣的

4. vain:vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia; 阴道鳞状上皮内肿瘤

vain 双语例句

1. Vain was that ambition, surely not an ignoble one, to set his name beside those of Gibbon and Mommsen.


2. E. g. I've searched all over the shop for my book, but in vain.

3. They endeavored to make her happy, but in vain.


4. Beautiful and lucky after learning, order him to cut the belly with the charge of planning a plot, and the children of concubine of beautiful wife of time more than 30 people will be beheaded, according to? The blood dyed duck Sichuan of Kyoto red at that time. 1594, beautiful lucky 59? When, record document officer on it is the beautiful time in vain without being imprisoned is it the beautiful and lucky on diary in? On sleep wet the bed hour but the conscientious.

5. Men are naturally vain creatures, and money makes them vainer.

6. And the vain one becomes vainer.

7. However there are special social context with external and inner supervision arrangements. Therefore it is vain for both supervision arrangements to correct market and government failure.


8. Those who came to call me in vain have gone back in anger.

9. Those who came tocall me in vain have gone back in anger.


10. Those who cameto call me in vain have gone back in anger.

11. Favour, favour, because I did not have clean briefs to wear, washed also be washed in vain.

12. If Christ did not rise from the grave our faith would have been in vain.

13. Words have wooed yet failed to win her; persuasion has stretched to her its eager arms in vain.

14. The gained grain drained away with the rain, all the pains were in vain again.

15. But in vain would these rights be declared, ascertained, and protected by the dead letter of the laws, if the constitution had provided no other method to secure their actual enjoyment.

16. They had assailed Him in great numbers, but their schemes to ensnare and condemn Him had been in vain.


17. Through many a birth in samsara have I wandered in vain, seeking in the builder of this house.

18. I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers.


19. That does not make monuments sacrosanct (you will search in vain for a German military cemetery with a swastika).


20. Well I can't tell you where I'm going, I'm not sure of where I've been But I know I must keep travelin'till my road comes to an end I'm out here on my journey, trying to make the most of it I'm a puzzle, I must figure out where all my pieces fit Like a poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find what feels like home Where that is no one can tell me, am I doomed to ever roam I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'on Questions I have many, answers but a few But we're here to learn, the spirit burns, to know the greater truth We've all been crucified and they nailed Jesus to the tree And when I'm born again, you're gonna see a change in me God made me for a reason and nothing is in vain Redemption comes in many shapes with many kinds of pain Oh sweet Jesus if you're listening, keep me ever close to you As I'm stumblin', tumblin', wonderin', as I'm travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru Oh sometimes the road is rugged, and it's hard to travel on But holdin'to each other, we don't have to walk alone When everything is broken, we can mend it if we try We can make a world of difference, if we want to we can fly Goodbye little children, goodnight you handsome men Farewell to all you ladies and to all who knew me when And I hope I'll see you down the road, you meant more than I knew As I was travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin', travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'Drifting like a floating boat and roaming like the wind Oh give me some direction lord, let me lean on you As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru I'm just travelin', travelin', travelin', I'm just travelin'thru Like the poor wayfaring stranger that they speak about in song I'm just a weary pilgrim trying to find my own way home Oh sweet Jesus if you're out there, keep me ever close to you As I'm travelin', travelin', travelin', as I'm travelin'thru
那么我不能告诉你,我要去,我不知道在什么地方我一直在但我知道我必须继续旅行,直到我的道路即将结束我来到了这里我的旅程,努力使大部分我是一个谜,我必须找出所有适合我的作品就像一个穷人wayfaring陌生人,他们谈论的歌曲我只是一个疲惫的朝圣者试图找到什么感觉就像回家如果这是没有人可以告诉我,我注定要永远漫游我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'的我有许多问题,但有几个答案但是,我们在这里学习,精神烧伤,了解更多的事实真相我们都被钉在十字架上的耶稣,他们的树当我出生了,你要去看看我的变化上帝,我是有原因的,并没有什么是徒劳的赎回有很多种疼痛噢甜耶稣如果你听,让我给你任何时候都密切因为我stumblin ',tumblin ',wonderin ',因为我旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过噢有时道路是崎岖的,它很难旅行但是,holdin '对方,我们不必独行当一切都被打破,我们可以改正,如果我们试图我们可以使世界的差异,如果我们想我们可以飞再见了孩子们,晚安你英俊男子永别了,所有的女士们,你的所有谁知道我什么时候我希望我会看到你的道路上,你的意思我知道多当我旅行,旅行,旅行,旅行,旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'漂流像浮船和漫游像风噢给我一些方向上帝,让我依靠你因为我旅行',旅行,旅行',通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过我只是旅行,旅行,旅行',我只是旅行'通过像穷人wayfaring陌生人,他们谈论的歌曲我只是一个疲惫的朝圣者试图找到自己的方式首页噢甜耶稣如果你在那里,让我给你任何时候都密切因为我旅行',旅行,旅行',因为我旅行'通过

vain 词典解释vain


1. 徒劳的;无效的;不成功的
A vain attempt or action is one that fails to achieve what was intended.

e.g. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule...
e.g. I was singing in a vain effort to cheer him up.

He hunted vainly through his pockets for a piece of paper.

2. 徒然的;无望的
If you describe a hope that something will happen as a vain hope, you mean that there is no chance of it happening.

e.g. He married his fourth wife, Susan, in the vain hope that she would improve his health.

He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.

3. 自负的;虚荣的;自命不凡的
If you describe someone as vain, you are critical of their extreme pride in their own beauty, intelligence, or other good qualities.

e.g. I think he is shallow, vain and untrustworthy.

4. 徒劳;白费力气
If you do something in vain, you do not succeed in achieving what you intend.

e.g. He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence...
e.g. It became obvious that all her complaints were in vain.

5. 无用的;无意义的;无价值的
If you say that something such as someone's death, suffering, or effort was in vain, you mean that it was useless because it did not achieve anything.

e.g. He wants the world to know his son did not die in vain.

vain 单语例句

1. Police spent four days in vain looking for the boy's uncle and then sent the boy to Xinjiang by train.

2. Cameroon piled on the pressure and created several scoring chances, but their efforts were in vain after defender Paul Roland was sent off.

3. The family saw the cat several times with the jar on its head and tried in vain to catch it.

4. Chad Johnson briefly lobbied in vain to keep his job when he was cut by Miami Dolphins coach Joe Philbin.

5. What seemed to be an eternal waiting has finally come to an end, and it was not in vain!

6. Vets and tamers dragged her out of the pool and tried in vain to administer emergency treatment.


7. These are not only vain attempts to distort facts and international agreements, but also conceited denials of the remarkable progress that Tibet has made since 1959.

8. vain的近义词

8. Marketing strategies that work well in cities might run in vain in the countryside, and special offers or discounts may not attract farmers like they do city dwellers.

9. He also attributed his loss of vision to the dizzying white walls of his cubicle, in which he often tried in vain to sleep.

10. vain

10. But her struggle ended in vain, with her son's death in 1999.

vain 英英释义


1. vain

1. unproductive of success

e.g. a fruitless search
futile years after her artistic peak
a sleeveless errand
a vain attempt

Synonym: bootless fruitless futile sleeveless

2. vain的翻译

2. characteristic of false pride
having an exaggerated sense of self-importance

e.g. a conceited fool
an attitude of self-conceited arrogance
an egotistical disregard of others
so swollen by victory that he was unfit for normal duty
growing ever more swollen-headed and arbitrary
vain about her clothes

Synonym: conceited egotistic egotistical self-conceited swollen swollen-headed

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