
逍遥右脑  2018-11-29 14:17

fluent 基本解释

形容词流利的; 流畅的; 液态的

fluent 同义词

形容词silver-tongued smooth-spoken fluid eloquent smooth facile

fluent 反义词


fluent 相关例句



1. She writes fluent French.

2. He is fluent in five languages.

fluent 网络解释

1. 流利:又如另一申请人,说(Speak)、写(Write)、读(Read)各项水平分别为良好(Well)、流利(Fluent)、良好(Well),相应得分分别为2、3、2,各项分数相加得:2十3+2=7分,据前述原则,各项分数相加后,得分在6-9之间者,英文能力得分为其实际分数,

2. 流体计算软件:LandMark 地震处理解释系统软件 | 流体计算软件FLUENT | Fluid Plan气动/液压设计工程软件

fluent 双语例句

1. I am fluent in Cantonese, Manderin and English, unless you are speaking outside of these languages, I should not have any problem communicating.

2. Computer skills; M and arin; fluent in written and spoken English; French speaking preferred

3. With the help of Fluent software and Reynolds Stress Model, numerical simulation was performed on three-dimension strong swirling turbulent flow within a guide vane cyclone tube with slotted vortex finder.

4. Wearing a long gown and mandarin jacket, he won over the hearts of the audience with his fluent and dulcet Chinese.

5. His calligraphy is fluent elegant and full of energy.


6. 3D numerical simulation is performed an the flow field of two kinds at intake systems of 4102 diesel engine using FLUENT software. The flow characteristics of intake manifolds have been analyzed and the most unevenness rate has been calculated respectively.


7. 2Using CFD software FLUENT6.1, adopting MRF and Laminar-model to simulate separately the agitation flow field of non-Newtonian fluid (a mixture of glycerin and water) in aΦ200mm plexiglass stirred tank with different organizational impellers.


8. Mr. Alfred Nobel 1833--1896)was born in Stockholm of Sweden. He was fluent in many languages. With his talent in Chemistry, sensitive in observing, and never give up, he specialized in nitroglycerine and established the Kingdom of the dynamites.


9. I speak fluent Finnish, I know...

10. Fluent in English for easy communication in the HCP group.


11. Readable and fluent; clear and idiomatic; be clear and smooth in writing


12. Numerical simulation of temperature field in high temperature regenerative heating furnace was studied by using Fluent software.
对天然气在高温蓄热式加热炉中的燃烧技术,运用 Fluent 软件通过数值模拟进行了研究。

13. 75 T/h of biomass circulating fluidized bed combustion boiler was taken as the object of study.

14. Compared with before, now the skirt of more bright-coloured color skirt, the pattern of fancy, more than the previous line also compared more fluent skirt.

15. His English is so polished and fluent, we couldn't

16. HELEN is a graduate of one of Beijing's most prestigious universities and speaks fluent English and French.

17. Otherwise, she is one of the most fluent students from China that we`ve ever had here.

18. And with most of North America's native languages, the most fluent speakers are over 65, so there's no great surplus of man-years.

19. To be the most successful man who speaks the most fluent English.

20. Besides, he asked all of us to make the most to speak fluent Chinese, if not, we can't say we are the college graduate each, and even not a Chinese.

fluent 词典解释fluent的翻译

1. fluent的解释

1. 流利的;流畅的
Someone who is fluent in a particular language can speak the language easily and correctly. You can also say that someone speaks fluent French, Chinese, or some other language.

e.g. She studied eight foreign languages but is fluent in only six of them...
她学习了8种外语,但是只能流利地说其中 6 种。
e.g. He speaks fluent Russian.

To work as a translator, you need fluency in at least one foreign language.
He spoke three languages fluently.
他可以流利地说 3 种语言。

2. (语言或文字)流畅的,熟练的;文笔好的
If your speech, reading, or writing is fluent, you speak, read, or write easily, smoothly, and clearly with no mistakes.

e.g. He had emerged from being a hesitant and unsure candidate into a fluent debater.

His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fluency.
Alex didn't read fluently till he was nearly seven.
fluent 单语例句

1. Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.

2. Westerners interested primarily in acting work face all sorts of special challenges, not least of which is the expectation of fluent Mandarin.

3. I would like to help them but given my far from fluent Chinese, the only thing I can really do is to offer them some cash.

4. fluent是什么意思

4. She was not allowed to take the cat home but returned to the clinic several hours later accompanied by a policewoman friend fluent in English.

5. " The leaps of a steed comes from the teetering of a colt, " He Siqi translated her favorite Dongba idiom after saying it in fluent Naxi language.

6. Obama has appointed a Republican governor to serve as US ambassador to China, who is fluent in Mandarin and who has a commanding knowledge about the country.

7. fluent

7. The fact that Chan speaks fluent Mandarin and can quote Chinese proverbs with ease may very well demonstrate the chairman's commitment to the mainland market.

8. And he became a communicative bridge between the Chinese doctors and the Americans because of his fluent English.

9. He and Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd are the two fluent Spanish speakers in the Democratic field.

10. fluent的解释

10. Wu's daughter works for an international trading company, speaks fluent English and earns an above average salary.

fluent 英英释义



1. expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

e.g. able to dazzle with his facile tongue
silver speech

Synonym: eloquent facile silver silver-tongued smooth-spoken

2. smooth and unconstrained in movement

e.g. a long, smooth stride
the fluid motion of a cat
the liquid grace of a ballerina

Synonym: fluid liquid smooth

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