laden with是什么意思_laden with在线翻译_双语例句

逍遥右脑  2018-11-14 11:53

laden with  
laden with 基本解释载满,充满烦恼;
laden with 网络解释

1. 充满:know next to nothing of. . . 几乎一无所知 | laden with 充满 | later years 晚年

2. 载满,充满烦恼:-- Fancy想象, 设想, 爱好, 想象力 | -- laden with载满,充满烦恼 | -- back-office expense办公支持费用

3. 载满:dingy a 暗黑的 | laden with 载满 | jade n 翡翠

4. 布满:know next to nothing of...几乎一无所知 | laden with 布满 | later years 晚年

laden with 双语例句

1. Stop him heading home from one of his weekly treks into the bush, bow and arrow sling loose over his shoulder, you would typically find him laden with up to 110 lbs. of illegal meat.

2. Portraits of marshals, engravings of battles, the King of Rome in a baby`s dress, tall consoles adorned with copper trophies, laden with imperial relics, medals, bronzes, a miniature of St. Helena, under a globe, pictures representing the same lady all becurled, in a ball-dress of yellow, with leg-of-mutton sleeves and bright eyes; ?and all these things: consoles, King of Rome, marshals, yellow ladies, with the high-necked, short-waisted dresses, the bestarched stiffness, which was the charm of 1806. Gallant colonel! It was that atmosphere of victories and conquests, even more than anything we could say to him, that made him believe so innocently in the siege of Berlin

3. It is thus important that the immune system establish and maintain a strong presence at this mucosal boundary, and indeed, the digestive tube is heavily laden with lymphocytes, macrophages and other cells that participate in immune responses.

laden with

4. Therefore, news English should be brief and laden with information besides being accurate and clear.
因此 ,新闻报导的这种时效性要求新闻英语除了准确和浅显易读以外,还必须具备简练、信息含量大的特点。

5. The road, so the bride's path through life will always be happy and laden with flowers.

6. I cannot bring myself to face the DG in this situation, I only wish DG to be happy in every moment of his life, or at least the majority of time to be happy and not laden with so much sadness.

laden with是什么意思

7. It will be intriguing, laden with superstars and heavy with symbolism matched only by an expected meteoric rise in TV ratings.

8. A wicked heart shall be laden with sorrows, and the sinner will add sin to sin.

9. The old steam ferry-boat was chartered for the occasion; presently the gay throng filed up the main street laden with provision-baskets.

laden with的意思

10. Focusing on meeting the needs in real operation, the fortress garrison command of the Ji'nan Military Area Command has, under the guidance of the departments concerned of the general headquarters/departments, successfully developed series of intelligent software for checking and repairing purposes, and built the maritime mobile repairing cabins that are laden with information technology and all kinds of tools and devices.

11. In 1949, a man waved Jubi, an announcement that China had 5, 000 years to disperse the haze; In 1978, a giant with superhuman courage, size up the situation, the dust-laden country will be open to the world!
1949年,一位伟人挥动着巨臂,一声宣告,驱散了神州五千年的阴霾; 1978年,一位巨人以超人的胆识,审时度势,将尘封的国门向世界洞开!

12. After Japan's economic bubble burst in 1990, the country's overcrowded basic industries found themselves laden with debt, overcapacity and overemployment.

13. The debt-laden company frustrated Chinese officials last month when it snubbed a 19.5 billion US dollar cash injection from the state-owned Chinalco, opting for a rights issue and joint venture with BHP Billiton instead.

14. In the long run, it needs to be seen as the remote, poor and ungovernable country it is, albeit one with a history of ties to Al Qaeda and located next door to Osama bin Laden`s current base of operations, Pakistan.

15. With the pleasant sunshine laden

16. The reason is, that they are over laden with inert ideas.

17. I'll give you an example: if you want to give people clean drinking water, you go to the river and you find out that the river is laden with silt.

18. Capsule can be used bamboo silk weaving, or laden with green silk.

19. Though this structure is of a big volume, the air is evenly distributed, with a good effect, and suitable for occasions where dust-laden gas is of a great concentration.

20. The biggest risk to the global economy probably lies with debt-laden American consumers.

laden with 单语例句

1. The three rushed their van laden with stolen cables through a road checkpoint set up by the police.

2. Bin Laden called Abbas'government " a traitor and collaborator government " with the United States.

3. laden with是什么意思

3. The man who periodically ventured outside bin Laden's compound with the suspected courier is believed to be his brother.

4. Bin Laden had always called for fight against Israel and was strongly critical of the PNA for seeking peace talks with the Jewish state.

5. An expressway viaduct collapsed in central Henan province on Friday morning after a lorry laden with fireworks exploded while crossing it.

6. laden with的解释

6. Pirates holding a Ukrainian arms ship off the Somali coast have rejected a local mediator, delaying efforts to free the freighter laden with battle tanks and others arms.

7. Clinton flatly denied launching cruise missiles at Osama bin Laden to divert attention from the scandal with Lewinsky.

8. Hong Kong's economic environment was laden with potential dangers before the return.

9. It said 57 fighters attacked watchtowers from four sides and " silenced them " as seven suicide bombers detonated vehicles laden with explosives around the facility.

10. The 1999 Mont Blanc tunnel disaster began when a truck laden with flour and margarine caught fire.

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