
逍遥右脑  2018-10-14 14:06

photographic 基本解释

14. Mosaicked images from oblique or parallel photography yielded rates of magnification comparable to those in single photographic images.


15. We investigated if differences existed in the length of scale, magnification rate of the model and of the scale, between the mosaicked and single photographic images.


16. A corneal abrasion with a diameter of 7 mm was created centrally in both eyes with a trephine and subsequent rubbing off on the corneal epithelium with a 20% alcohol soaked swab. Photographic documentation and hematoxylin and eosin stained pathological section were performed when rabbits were killed at 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 h. Planimetry was performed, and the corneal photographs were analyzed with computer software.


17. Within the drum rotation rotary record images on a single chip, support in the exposure of the rollers in the supratrochlear, driven by a synchronous motor, because it is located in the center of the drum, with sencitivity keeping distance rotate and move back and forth exactly isolinetic (exposure drum and sencitivity stay), thus making a reflection of the laser beam can be uniform, equally spaced and vertically onto photographic materials on the geometry of always the same.

18. Several of the brightest stars are identified by their catalog numbers (CPD=Cape Observatory Photographic Durchmusterung, HD, HDE=Henry Draper Catalog), among the hottest, heaviest stars known.
一些最明亮的恒星被标出了目录号(CPD=Cape Observatory Photographic Durchmusterung,HD,HDE=Henry Draper Catalog),跻身于已知最热、最重的恒星之列。

19. Chapter 5-7 introduces ALp estimation's application in Satellite Laser Ranging, photographic astrometry and satellite Global Positioning System.

20. It is understood that activities involving sports, art, household appliances, television, travel, Internet, zhu kun, civilized manners, and science and technology, in Lianjiang lianjiang photographic science and technology schools and schools, to take this opportunity to both nurture the child's hands, brain capacity, but also so that they form a non-selfish activities, helping others on his character, from the physical, intellectual, character, artistic accomplishments and so on all-round way to cultivate children.

photographic 词典解释

1. 摄影的;照片的
Photographic means connected with photographs or photography.

e.g. ...photographic equipment...
e.g. The bank is able to provide photographic evidence of who used the machine.

...photographically reproduced copies of his notes.

2. (记忆)精确的,能详细记录的
If you have a photographic memory, you are able to remember things in great detail after you have seen them.

e.g. He had a photographic memory for maps.

photographic 单语例句

1. Changing values in a changing China seems to be the theme of Yue's photographic series, which showcases the only colour shots in the exhibition.

2. Fuji has launched a nationwide counterattack on rival Kodak, now the biggest player in China's photographic film industry.

3. Sanborn created them by placing chunks of the element on photographic paper and allowing the radiation to create an image.

4. Critic Gu Zheng noted that the show will offer viewers a good opportunity to learn about the latest Chinese contemporary photographic art and practice.

5. D J Clark researches and writes about photography as a vehicle for social change, the subject that drives both his photographic and academic work.

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6. An appraisal center affiliated to the China Photographers Society said on Sunday a team of photographic experts concluded the pictures were fake.


7. He said a report will come out in " a matter of weeks, not a matter of months " and include public release of photographic evidence.

8. Another easy and cheap alternative is to look through several layers of black photographic film.

9. The easy access brings flows of tourists, many of whom stay overnight to wait for better photographic opportunities.

10. A photographic record of a person's errant behavior is pretty much irrefutable.

photographic 英英释义


1. photographic的近义词

1. representing people or nature with the exactness and fidelity of a photograph

2. relating to photography or obtained by using photography

e.g. photographic equipment

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