
逍遥右脑  2018-09-19 14:30







soak 基本解释


及物动词浸泡,浸透; 吸入; 沉浸在(工作或学习中); 湿透

不及物动词浸泡; 渗透或浸透,渗出; 讲话者暂停了一下; [俚语] 酗酒

名词湿透; 酒鬼; 浸湿性; [俚语]醉汉

soak 同义词

动词inebriate wet drench sop saturate souse steep


soak 反义词


soak 相关词组

1. in soak : 在典当中;

soak 相关例句



1. She soaked the dirty clothes in cold water.

2. Our clothes were soaking.

3. She soaked herself in detective stories.


1. The fact soaked into his head.


1. He is an old soak.

soak 网络解释

1. 浸泡:WCVD工艺一般由四个步骤组成:加热并用SiH4浸泡(Soak),成核(Nucleation),大批淀积(Bulk Deposition)和残余气清洗(Purge). (图2)在成核这一步中,SiH4和氢气的混合气体与WF6源气体反应形成了一薄层钨,这一薄层钨作为后续钨层的生长点.

2. 泡:一台洗衣机可以处于浸泡(soak)、洗涤(wash)、漂洗(Rinse)、脱水(Spin)或者关机(off)状态. UML状态图如下图所示,该图能够描述上面所提及的状态. 该图说明洗衣机可以从一个状态转移到另一个状态. 图中最顶端的符号代表起始状态,

3. 浸,泡,均热:slug 嵌条 | soak 浸,泡,均热 | software 软件

4. 浸、泡:LAGGING 绝缘材料 | SOAK 浸、泡 | RESIDUE 滤渣、残余物

soak 双语例句


1. Wash dried scallop and soak in water for 2 hours.

2. Rinse for several minutes and then let it soak in cold water while you decide how to proceed.

3. Soak your socks and you lose. Levels include western toilet bowl, squat toilet, and classic pedestal.

4. Then soak the rice in water for 1/2 hour. Drain and add salt.

5. Comparetion between the appraisal result and the national criteria shows that: In Fuxin, the excessive total suspended particulate and Sulfur dioxide in atmosphere is the result of coal burning; Some monitored projects as BOD and COD exceed the allowed figure indicates that industrial waste water and sanitary sewage have caused the surface water pollution; The main reason to the excessive nitrite in the groundwater is the trash piled up open-air and the gangue soak liquid.

6. Listening to the rain, I burst into tears, no one knows my soul to soak in the body 23 liters of red blood, and I want that 23 liters of red with the blood flow with the water rushing down!

7. Knife cut the umbilical, and then cut in the fin under the knife, removing intestines stomach into 60 degrees warm water to soak 5 minutes, using water to wash away mucus, and then use cut白鳝paragraph, each about 3 cm.
制法 1。在白鳝脐上切一刀,再在鳍下切一刀,抽去肠肚,放入60摄氏度温水浸透5分钟,用清水洗去粘液,然后将白鳝用刀切段,每段约3厘米。

8. Plum-emptive reference need to use paste wood burning skin, and then soak in cold water until soft, with a knife scrape paste paper further bubble hair, but also frequently changes the water.


9. I like that they do not just like them but prefer the aroma of their quality: like the lotus nose clean, not colluding with the noble virtues; like raw asparagus quite Lingyun Festival, off the body rather proudly unyielding integrity; like plum fear power, fair, soak into the depths heart, subtle fragrance to independence, without fear of harm to evil world, was the sole reported to the clank of justice spring steel-framed; Lansheng Glen prefer not to no one and not fang, not to shortage of Ridge and inferior origin, not due to raw cold and wilt Suo, willingness to keep company with the plain, non-vulgar, and the company of the noble qualities.

10. Our cook team is a elitegroup from Guangdong and Hong Kong. The specialty here is Frozen Foie Gras Soak Red Wine.

11. If you like sour pears can be cut into pieces on the thermos bottle Riga hot soak, two hours later you can descaling, another poached pears to eat ice.

12. Lipstick trace: in a light-coloured dress with a lipstick, first soak gasoline, and then scrub can be used soapy water wash.

13. If you miss the call, your voicemail will soak up the action.

14. Product has spicy beef jerky, flavored beef jerky, spicy beef proline, prolyl Spiced beef, chicken brine, soak chicken, spicy pig, the chicken bone Shannon tender, roast duck and the color aroma and taste of the halogen products and°series of products.

15. To wash or soft-boiled eggs are off to the eggshell, soak in a small glass of vinegar, after a few minutes, the shell will gradually dissolve, and even the residue that have not, so you can get 1, 800 mg calcium, astonishing.


16. Soak your body in the water and get out of the tub in about 15 minutes.

17. Soak dried shrimps in water for about 10 minutes.

18. If you are concerne d that the floss colors will run, than you can soak each color of floss in water to remove any excess d ye before stitching.

19. Add a few squirts or a dryer sheet to your pan filled with hot water, and let it soak.


20. You can soak your feet in a basin of Listerine mouthwash.

soak 词典解释

1. 浸;泡
If you soak something or leave it to soak, you put it into a liquid and leave it there.

e.g. Soak the beans for 2 hours...
将豆子浸泡 2 小时。
e.g. He turned off the water and left the dishes to soak.

2. 使湿透;浸湿
If a liquid soaks something or if you soak something with a liquid, the liquid makes the thing very wet.

e.g. The water had soaked his jacket and shirt...
e.g. Soak the soil around each bush with at least 4 gallons of water.
用至少 4 加仑的水浸湿每株灌木周围的土。

3. 渗透
If a liquid soaks through something, it passes through it.

e.g. There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts...
e.g. Rain had soaked into the sand.

4. (长时间地)泡热水澡
If someone soaks, they spend a long time in a hot bath, because they enjoy it.

e.g. What I need is to soak in a hot tub.

5. see also: soaked;soaking

相关词组:soak up

soak 单语例句

1. soak的反义词

1. I tried to convince myself that I was just too busy or that walking was better because it allowed me to soak up my surroundings.

2. By the time I finished the foot soak, it was about 2 in the morning.

3. Weigh down the cabbage by putting a heavy object on top and leave to soak about two to three hours until they turn limp.

4. Bathers must shower and scrub themselves scrupulously clean before climbing into the steaming pool, where they soak with friends or chat to fellow visitors.

5. The properly roasted lamb retained a soft and loose texture, which allowed it to soak up the flavors of condiments the chef chosen.

6. The firm and chewy dough helped to soak up some of the savory mushroom sauce, and the tender veal mopped up the rest of it.

7. To decrease perspiration, soak your feet in cool water and apple cider vinegar.

8. Soak the clams in cold water to remove grit and sand, then drain.

9. It's not uncommon now for them to dream of becoming a pop star and to soak in the unequivocal adulation of other young admirers.

10. To curb inflation and soak up excessive liquidity, the country's central bank has raised banks'reserve requirement ratio six times this year.

soak 英英释义


1. washing something by allowing it to soak

Synonym: soaking

2. the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid)

e.g. a good soak put life back in the wagon

Synonym: soakage soaking



1. cover with liquid
pour liquid onto

e.g. souse water on his hot face

Synonym: drench douse dowse sop souse

2. heat a metal prior to working it

3. fill, soak, or imbue totally

e.g. soak the bandage with disinfectant

Synonym: imbue

4. become drunk or drink excessively

Synonym: souse inebriate hit it up

5. make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)

Synonym: intoxicate inebriate

6. soak什么意思

6. beat severely

7. soak是什么意思

7. submerge in a liquid

e.g. I soaked in the hot tub for an hour

8. rip off
ask an unreasonable price

Synonym: overcharge surcharge gazump fleece plume pluck rob hook

9. leave as a guarantee in return for money

e.g. pawn your grandfather's gold watch

Synonym: pawn hock

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