
逍遥右脑  2018-10-09 11:38


16. 2 And I took reliable witnesses, Uriah the priest, and Zechariah, son of Jeberechiah.

17. The faithful were left free in regard to funerals, but, should they take place in the church of a cloister, the quarta funerum was to be given to the parish priest.
忠实地留在自由方面的葬礼,但是,如果它们发生在教堂的回廊,在quarta funerum是考虑到教区牧师。

18. The Priest Talent Power Infusion consumes an inconsistent amount of mana when cast on yourself.

19. A priest's daughter who is married to a layman may not eat of the sacred contributions.

20. Sunday, just when sit in that person of in front of to be when drowse, the priest decides to want to teach him well, let him do not sleep when preach again.

priest 词典解释

1. 基督教教士;(天主教)神父;(英国圣公会)牧师;(东正教)司铎
A priest is a member of the Christian clergy in the Catholic, Anglican, or Orthodox church.

e.g. He had trained to be a Catholic priest.

2. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

2. (非基督教会的)教士,和尚,僧侣,祭司
In many non-Christian religions a priest is a man who has particular duties and responsibilities in a place where people worship.

3. see also: high priest

priest 单语例句

1. Spanish actor Bardem appears as a troubled priest facing a crisis of faith, extending the plot into the realm of the spiritual from the physical and emotional.

2. Allam hopes he could carve out more time to practice Taiji, a Chinese martial art devised by Taoist priest Zhang Sanfeng about 700 years ago.

3. A Catholic priest celebrates mass at the South Cathedral in Beijing in this April 16, 2006 file photo.


4. The concert is sponsored by the Taoist research center in the Wudang Mountains, where the priest created the slow martial art form known as tai chi.


5. A " High Priest " and 14 disciples officiated the rites, while a dog named Chinook guarded the couple.

6. priest

6. Last Sunday, the same priest asked his congregation to pray for the man's mother.

7. Panama's president said she would consider granting the former Catholic priest asylum but had not been asked.

8. A French court said it had opened an investigation after a priest in the greater Paris region complained of online threats against Coptic Christians.

9. She was married to a Coptic priest who lost a leg to diabetes.

10. Dongba priest would set up a ghost house at a courtyard corner or in the bushes just outside the courtyard.

priest 英英释义


1. a clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites
one of the Holy Orders

2. a person who performs religious duties and ceremonies in a non-Christian religion

Synonym: non-Christian priest

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